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    Health benefits of the Ergohuman office chair

    Nov 22, 2023

    If you sit at a desk for a few hours every day, you're at increased risk of musculoskeletal issues and pain¹. An optimal office chair is essential for an employee's health, well-being and productivity.

    Man with lower back pain in the office - he is holding his lower back with both hands, as if in pain. He is wearing a white shirt, blue trousers, a black belt and wearing a wedding ring.

    The Ergohuman Elite G2 office chair is a true investment for those championing workplace well-being. It has various adjustable features, including seat height, recline tension and lumbar support.

    From impacting productivity to promoting blood circulation, we unravel the facets that make the Ergohuman indispensable for workplace wellness. Discover the top 10 health benefits of the Ergohuman office chair and experience its ergonomic excellence.

    What is an ergonomic chair?

    A genuinely ergonomic office chair provides effective and comfortable support, especially during extended periods at a desk or screen. The ergonomic chair offers customisation and adjustment, enabling individuals to tailor it to their body, height, and weight.

    It will also enhance posture, comfort, and overall well-being during work. The chair's customisable features (seat height, lumbar support, and seat pan adjustments) achieve this.

    By adjusting these elements, users can properly distribute their weight. A quality ergonomic office chair, such as the Ergohuman, offers a solution for various body sizes and shapes.

    In essence, a good ergonomic chair promotes improved posture, reduces strain, and minimises the risk of musculoskeletal issues. This ensures users experience optimal comfort, support, and flexibility for correct sitting.

    Is an ergonomic chair worth it?

    Investing in an ergonomic chair hinges on individual needs and budgets. However, long-term comfort and health benefits often outweigh the initial cost.

    Studies have found that investing in ergonomic designs and furniture is capital to reduce musculoskeletal issues in the workplace. Ergonomic chairs boost employee well-being, productivity, and, of course, comfort.

    Grey Ergohuman chair on a black rug at a white desk looking at a laptop. There is a white wall and a soft window behind the chair.

    10 Health Benefits of an Ergohuman Office Chair

    Improved posture

    Ergonomic chairs enhance posture by providing optimal support to the spine's natural curvature. The Ergohuman's automatic lumbar support and strategically designed shape promote a natural sitting position.

    This leads to less strain on the back and neck, reducing the risk of workplace injury. For those working long hours, the Ergohuman is an exceptional solution to poor posture.

    Reduced neck strain

    The Ergohuman office chair allows for a neutral neck position by aligning your eye level with the desktop. This reduces stress on the neck muscles and cervical spine, preventing discomfort and strain. Ultimately, the chair allows users to foster a more relaxed and ergonomic posture.

    If users add on the optional headrest, they can benefit from even more neck and head support. It's height- and angle-adjustable, allowing you to relax neck and shoulder muscles while supporting the back of the head. This is especially useful when the chair is in recline mode.

    Increased productivity

    The Ergohuman Elite chair elevates productivity by fostering a comfortable and supportive workspace. The design's flexibility, including customisable features like seat height, reduces physical comfort. With fewer distractions and more relaxation, employees are better able to concentrate, allowing sustained focus on important tasks.

    Enhanced posture from the Ergohuman chair further boosts overall work performance. Creating an ergonomically optimised environment is a quintessential business investment for employee well-being, efficiency, and output.

    Lower back support

    The Ergohuman office chair provides essential support. It has unique automatic lumbar support and adjustable seat depth, curving to the natural shape of the lower back. This targeted support reduces pressures on the lumbar spine, mitigating the risk of back pain. It also promotes a healthier sitting posture.

    By prioritising lumbar support, the Ergohuman is instrumental in creating a conducive and comfortable work environment, ultimately enhancing employee health and productivity.

    Close up of a black Ergohuman chair with cobalt mesh. This photo features the back of the chair

    Prevention of muscular pain

    Ergonomic chairs act as preventive measures against muscular pain by providing tailored support to the body's natural contours. Comfort designed the Ergohuman to reduce strain on muscles and joints, promoting proper alignment and posture.

    The adjustable features allow you to adapt the chair to your unique needs, minimising the risk of discomfort. The curved waterfall seat, versus a flat pan, can reduce upper body pain, creating a more conducive work environment.

    Enhanced blood circulation

    The Ergohuman office chair enhances blood circulation by promoting proper spinal alignment and minimising pressure points. Improved circulation ensures optimal oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscles, enhancing overall vitality and focus.

    Adjustable features like seat height and contours allow for sustained comfort and well-being in ergonomic chairs.

    Improved breathing

    Poorly designed chairs can inhibit your breathing. The Ergohuman chair supports the natural curvature of the spine. This reduces strain on the chest and diaphragm, improving your breathing.

    Unobstructed airflow is essential for improving oxygen intake, leading to better well-being. Better oxygen intake fosters a more energised and focused work session.

    Better digestion

    The health benefits of the Ergohuman office chair don't stop there. This ergonomic office chair can also impact digestion by promoting an upright and comfortable sitting. With proper spine alignment, there is less pressure on the digestive organs.

    This alignment aids a more efficient digestive process, minimising pain and discomfort. With a more comfortable seating experience, employees can focus more on important tasks without worrying about digestive cramps.

    Healthy seated posture diagram. The first image shows a person sitting slouched at a desk with a laptop and a non-ergonomic chair. There is a red x above the image to highlight this is an incorrect sitting position. The next image is a person sitting in an ergonomic chair, their eyes level with their pc monitor. There is a green check above the diagram. The third image shows a person in an ergonomic seat, reclining back and forward. There is a green check above the image.

    Prevention of eye strain

    It's important to be around 25 inches away from a screen and for the screen to be just lower than eye level. You shouldn't look downwards more than 15 degrees. The Ergohuman chair allows you to adjust the seat height to align your eye level with your monitor.

    This is great for preventing eye strain, as well as neck and back discomfort. When you slouch over a desk, notebook, or laptop, your eyes become strained, and you work harder to focus on the screen. The Ergohuman chair helps you align with your monitor, reducing the strain on your eyes when viewing your work.

    Reduced fatigue

    When you work long hours, inevitably, you will feel fatigued. It's important to take regular breaks and ensure a healthy work-life balance. However, a quality ergonomic chair can reduce undue fatigue during your working hours.

    The Ergohuman Elite G2 provides optimal support to the body, reducing strain on muscles and joints. Less physical stress prevents the onset of fatigue during working hours. As businesses focus on ergonomics, they invest in a solution that enhances well-being while actively combating workplace fatigue.

    Impact on mental well-being

    Employees who feel more supported by their workplace experience a boost in mental well-being. Quality ergonomic chairs, like the Ergohuman Elite chair, create an inviting workspace and help employees feel cared for.

    Employees with comfortable seating experience reduced physical discomfort, leading to fewer distractions and better focus. In turn, this positively influences mood and mental clarity.

    Reduce absenteeism

    Ergonomic workspaces can reduce employee absence by up to 88%[²]. When a business prioritises employee well-being and comfort through quality ergonomic furniture and design, employees experience a more conducive and healthy work environment.

    Reduced physical discomfort, improved posture and minimised muscle strain are very important to employees. When their workspace is more comfortable than their home office, they are more likely to head into the office. With fewer work-related injuries or discomforts, employees are less likely to take sick days. This can help them stay healthy and work more productively.

    Three black Ergohuman office chairs at a wooden table. There are laptops, books and takeaway cups on the table. There is another table with Ergohuman chairs in the background.

    What are the benefits of ergonomic office chairs over regular chairs?

    Ergonomic office chairs, distinguished by their thoughtful design, surpass regular seating options. They have many benefits that boost physical well-being and workplace efficiency.

    Ergonomic office chairs are uniquely crafted to cradle the spine's natural curvature and instil a refined posture, mitigating the risk of musculoskeletal issues that can plague conventional seating.

    An automatic lumbar support system further distinguishes these chairs, ensuring a support solution that alleviates lower back strain, a common concern in traditional chairs.

    Ergonomic office chairs, like the Ergohuman Elite, feature vast customisation. Users can adjust the seat height, armrests and reclining angle to uniquely tailor the seat to their individual body shape. Adjusting the chair directly influences productivity, enhancing concentration and job satisfaction.

    Plus Upgrade: To experience better support and aesthetics, upgrade to an Ergohuman Plus. The Ergohuman Plus features a back limiter feature and enhanced aluminium detailing.

    Are ergonomic office chairs essential for today’s offices?

    As experts in ergonomic seating, we believe that ergonomic office chairs are essential for today's workspaces. In the contemporary workspace, where employees spend prolonged hours at seated desks, making a point of health and well-being is paramount.

    Ergonomic chairs are purposefully designed to provide optimal support, reducing the risk of discomfort and pain. The sedentary nature of many modern jobs underscores the importance of investing in adjustable seating.

    Beyond the immediate health benefits, ergonomic chairs contribute to increased focus and concentration. Adopting ergonomic office chairs is not merely a luxury but a strategic investment into workforce well-being. Providing these chairs evolves the nature of work and commitment to creating an environment that allows employees to thrive physically and professionally.

    Ergohuman chair at a black and silver desk on a green rug. On the desk is a radio and a laptop. There is a white unit next to the desk, and a green plant. There is a large window behind the chair, letting in natural light.


    • How long should you sit in an ergonomic chair?

      Avoid prolonged sitting in an ergonomic chair by following the "30-30 rule". Take a break every 30 minutes, standing or moving for at least 30 seconds. This helps prevent stiffness, enhances circulation, and reduces the risk of musculoskeletal issues.

      Consider using a sit-stand desk to alternate between sitting and standing, promoting physical well-being and productivity. Individual comfort and health considerations should guide how long one should sit in an ergonomic chair.

    • Are mesh office chairs better?

      Many prefer mesh office chairs as they are more breathable, leading to less heat build-up. They also provide better lumbar support and pressure distribution. Not only that, but they are easy to clean, which chain coffee drinkers appreciate.

    • What are the best desk chairs for neck pain?

      The best office chairs for neck pain typically feature adjustable support. Look for chairs with recline options and adjustable height, such as the Comfort Ergohuman Elite G2.

      Users also have the option to add a headrest to their Ergohuman, which features height and angle adjustability for optimum neck support.

    • Tips for using an ergonomic office chair

      When you first receive your ergonomic chair, knowing how to adjust it properly can be difficult. You should always take time to adjust the settings to suit your unique body size and shape. Below are 10 useful tips:

      1. Adjust the chair height with your feet flat on the floor and knees at a 90-degree angle.
      2. Position the lumbar support to align with the natural curve of your lower spine.
      3. Take advantage of the adjustable arms so your arms are resting comfortably.
      4. Ensure a two-finger gap between the front of the seat and your knees.
      5. Position your computer monitor at eye level to reduce neck strain.
      6. Take a 30-second break every 30 minutes.
      7. Use the reclining feature to vary your posture and reduce pressure on your spine.
      8. Keep your keyboard and mouse close at a height that allows your elbows to form a 90-degree angle.
      9. If necessary, use a footrest to support your feet and maintain proper leg alignment.
      10. Work regular exercise into your schedule to support overall well-being.

      It's straightforward to adjust all the settings on the Ergohuman Elite chair. It features a single lever control on one side that takes care of seat height, seat depth, and recline mode.

    • Can a comfortable office chair lower stress?

      A comfortable office chair can contribute to stress reduction. Properly designed ergonomic chairs offer physical comfort, reducing the risk of discomfort and tension associated with prolonged sitting.

      This physical comfort can influence mental well-being, promoting a more relaxed and focused state. A comfortable office chair can create a conducive and stress-reducing work environment by ensuring constant support for good posture and enhancing overall comfort. However, combining chair comfort with other stress management strategies for comprehensive well-being is essential.


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